Why Every Child Should Learn Chess Online: A Pathway to Holistic Development

Why Every Child Should Learn Chess Online: A Pathway to Holistic Development

In today’s digital age, parents are often concerned about the impact of technology on their children. While it’s true that excessive screen time can be detrimental, there are certain types of technology that can significantly benefit a child’s development. One such example is online scholastic chess. Unlike many internet games that focus solely on entertainment, […]

The Journey from Entertainment to Competence in Scholastic Chess

The Journey from Entertainment to Competence in Scholastic Chess

In the world of scholastic chess, there’s a unique emphasis on cultivating competence over mere entertainment. While many kids start playing chess for fun, the transition to true competence brings about a passion that drives them further. This passion can lead to competitive play or enhance other aspects of their lives, thanks to the cognitive […]

Is My Child Too Young for Chess?

Is My Child Too Young for Chess?

At MindMentorz, we often get asked by parents “If their child is too young to start learning chess?”.  Pretty important question right? Let’s explore this question with our touch, making the discussion relatable and sharing some to-do-list at the same time. Whats’ The Ideal Age to Start? Typically, children can start learning the basics of chess […]

Supporting Your Child’s Chess Journey with MindMentorz: A Parent’s Guide

Supporting Your Child’s Chess Journey with MindMentorz: A Parent’s Guide

Chess is more than just a game; it’s a journey that sharpens the mind, teaches patience, and builds strategic thinking. As a parent, supporting your child on this journey can be incredibly rewarding, but it also requires a thoughtful approach. MindMentorz offers an excellent platform for kids to begin their chess learning journey, and as […]