Surround Yourself with the Right People
At MindMentorz Chess Academy, we believe that chess isn’t just about strategy on the board—it’s also about the mindset and people around you. If you’ve ever wondered how some players progress faster, often the secret lies in their environment. Just like life, chess is influenced by the company you keep. Let’s explore why having the right people around you can dramatically boost your game.

The Power of Positive Influence

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” — this quote holds immense truth, not just in life but also in chess. Whether it’s your friends, peers, or even online content you consume, the people and media you engage with can either elevate your performance or pull you down.

In our academy, we emphasize creating a nurturing environment where students are encouraged to improve, stay motivated, and push through challenges. But it’s not just about what happens within the academy walls—it’s also about the choices students make outside of class. Are you surrounded by individuals who uplift you? Or do you encounter negativity that drains your confidence?

Avoiding Negative Influences

One of the biggest mistakes young chess players make is staying around people who limit their growth. Have you ever faced naysayers who criticize your dreams? In chess, as in life, these voices can cloud your judgment and limit your potential. Instead of working on your weaknesses, you may find yourself doubting your abilities.

At MindMentorz , we guide students to recognize and move away from such negativity. Surrounding yourself with people who support your ambitions is key. We always remind our students, especially those engaged in scholastic chess, to be cautious of those who might feel threatened by their progress.

Chess is a mental game. If you hear constant doubt or comparison, it impacts your confidence. Over time, your own belief in achieving the next rating milestone could waver.

Friends Who Push You Forward

On the other side of the spectrum are people who believe in your potential and push you forward. This is the environment we strive to create at MindMentorz. Our mentors are passionate about your progress and aim to bring the best out of each student.

We emphasize the importance of surrounding yourself with peers who cheer for your success. In a classroom setting or during practice games, having encouraging friends who motivate you when you win or lose can make all the difference. Chess improvement is a journey, and having people who want to see you grow—not just stay stagnant—creates a foundation for success.

Why Group Learning Works

When students learn in groups at our academy, they often form friendships based on mutual respect and shared goals. Many players think of chess as a solo journey, but the reality is quite different. Learning in a positive group environment helps players absorb feedback, explore new strategies, and correct mistakes. You’re not just learning from a coach—you’re learning from each other.

One of our Lil’ Champ once said, “At MindMentorz, even if I lose a game, I gain something from the experience because my peers help me see the game from a fresh perspective.”

This collaborative learning fosters a culture of improvement. A good friend in chess isn’t someone who lets you win every time, but one who challenges you to get better with each move.

Be Cautious About Online Content

Today, much of our time is spent online, and the content we consume shapes our thinking. The chess community is vast, and while there are incredible resources to learn from, there are also spaces filled with drama, negativity, or pessimistic views. At MindMentorz, we guide our students vigilantly about the online chess world.

Steps to Surround Yourself with the Right People

So, how do you find the right people to enhance your chess journey? Here are a few steps that we follow and recommend to our students:

1. Identify Positive Influences: Reflect on who encourages you to be better—whether it’s friends, mentors, or online resources. Positive influences leave you feeling inspired after every interaction.
2. Distance Yourself from Negativity: If you find that certain individuals bring down your morale or instill self-doubt, it might be time to limit your exposure to them. This applies both to real-life interactions and online spaces.

3. Engage with Constructive Communities: Join groups, forums, or academies where learning and self-improvement are the primary goals. At Mind Mentorz, we offer a community-driven approach where students help each other grow.

4. Stay Accountable: Surround yourself with peers who hold you accountable to your goals. Whether it’s achieving a specific FIDE rating or mastering a new opening, being in a group of like-minded individuals pushes you to stay committed.

5. Create a Support Network: Whether it’s your chess club, academy, or a group of friends, find people who celebrate your successes and guide you through failures.

 Building a Positive Chess Environment

At MindMentorz Chess Academy we are more than just a place to learn chess—we are a community of passionate learners, mentors, and friends. Our goal is to build a positive, growth-oriented environment where every student feels supported in their chess journey.

Surrounding yourself with the right people is a simple yet powerful way to achieve success. Whether you’re aiming to improve your rating, participate in national tournaments, or simply enjoy the game more, who you surround yourself with plays a huge role in how far you can go.