
GM Hikaru Nakamura emerged victorious at the highly anticipated Bullet Chess Championship 2023 (BCC), securing his fourth title in this prestigious event. With a prize fund of $100,000 and the opportunity to qualify for the Speed Chess Championship’s main event, the BCC attracted some of the fastest and most talented players in the world, including Nakamura, Alireza Firouzja, and Magnus Carlsen. Let’s delve into the thrilling matches and format of this high-speed chess tournament.


The Format of the BCC

The BCC consists of three qualifiers and the main event. The main event brings together six qualified players and ten invited players, resulting in a 16-player double-elimination bracket. Matches in the main event adhere to a 1+0 time control, and players earn points based on wins, draws, and losses. The higher-seeded player starts with White, and the colors alternate after each game. To win a match, a player must have a two-point advantage. If neither player achieves this advantage after six additional games, the player currently in the lead is declared the winner.


Qualifiers and Prizes

During the qualifiers, players competed in an arena followed by a double-elimination bracket. The arena, which lasted for 60 minutes, utilized a score-based pairing system, and the top eight players advanced to the double-elimination bracket. Matches in the qualifiers were played with a 15-minute countdown clock. The winners of the Winners and Losers brackets from each qualifier secured a spot in the BCC main event. The BCC boasts a $100,000 prize fund, with $6,000 allocated to the qualifiers and $94,000 to the main event. Furthermore, the winner of the BCC earns a coveted place in the Speed Chess Championship’s main event.


The Unforgettable Final Match

The final match between Hikaru Nakamura and Alireza Firouzja was a spectacular display of skill and tenacity. In the first half, Firouzja took an early lead, outplaying Nakamura in the opening stages of the match. Despite Nakamura’s valiant comeback efforts, Firouzja consistently regained the lead by winning the very next game. However, Nakamura demonstrated his resilience, eventually drawing level with Firouzja for the third time.

It was in the final moments of the match that Nakamura made his move. Capitalizing on Firouzja’s mouse slip that compromised his king’s safety, Nakamura secured his first lead with minutes remaining on the clock. The tension continued to rise as both players relentlessly pursued each other’s kings. With his exceptional play, Nakamura eventually increased his lead to three points, a margin too significant for Firouzja to overcome with the limited time remaining. Nakamura emerged victorious, securing his seat in the Grand Final, while Firouzja would have a second chance in the Losers Final to challenge Nakamura once more.


Insights from Nakamura

In a post-match interview, Nakamura revealed some of his strategic adjustments during the match. Recognizing Firouzja’s ability to make comebacks even from seemingly losing positions, Nakamura altered his opening choices and aimed for positions that were easier to play. As the match progressed, Nakamura adapted and refined his approach, ultimately finding the winning strategy.



The Bullet Speed Chess Championship 2023 captivated chess enthusiasts worldwide, culminating in the triumph of GM Hikaru Nakamura. The intense matches, the format of the tournament, and the impressive performance of players like Nakamura and Firouzja showcased the incredible skill and mental agility demanded by bullet chess. With another BCC title under his belt, Nakamura solidifies his reputation as one of the most formidable bullet chess players in the world. Chess enthusiasts eagerly await future tournaments that will continue to push the boundaries of speed chess.